Latest news from VICSES

Media representatives can contact the VICSES Media Line on 1300 783 933 between the hours of 6am and 10pm, seven days a week.

During large-scale emergencies, the VICSES Media Line will be available 24 hours. You can also contact the VICSES media team via email at

To showcase the Victoria State Emergency Service, a number of events and campaigns are shared across the year. To view all our latest campaigns, visit our campaigns page

Latest News

"A great effort and testamant to the skill and versatility of our VICSES volunteers.”
VICSES Unit Controller Kai shares their journey of self-discovery and acceptance as part of the LGBTIQA+ community.
A photograph behind VICSES volunteers in orange uniforms holding rainbow flags, marching as part of Pride March. There is a blue sky above, some trees, and some people watching on from the side of the road. You cannot see anyone's faces.
"Despite having four major floods this year, we had to perform four rescues last night."
"The videos will enable VICSES to use a geotargeted approach."
"Volunteers attended more call-outs than ever despite most Victorians being in lockdown."
"VICSES volunteers worked with Andrew “Chubby” Chalmers to better assist paramedics."
"We all had a job and we all knew what we were doing."
"A fantastic effort by all involved in this multi-agency event."
"A car collided with a fire hydrant, before colliding with a building, resulting in its structural collapse."