SES embraces local knowledge

SES embraces local knowledge

Published: 14/02/2014

Local knowledge is a vital part of managing and planning for emergencies.

With the launch of its Local Knowledge Policy, Victoria State Emergency Service (SES) is committed to embracing information from people on the ground to a greater extent than ever before.

Reviews of past emergencies demonstrate the value of incorporating local knowledge. The 2011 Victorian Floods Review showed examples of local knowledge being used to good effect to inform decision making during the 2010-11 floods, as well as where a lack of local knowledge hurt the response.

SES is implementing local knowledge initiatives by:

  • - Identifying and working with existing networks that are a source of local knowledge
  • - Identifying community observers to provide information and observations during emergencies
  • - Identifying community observers within relevant emergency plans including Municipal Flood Emergency Plans
  • - Establishing command and control arrangements with other emergency service providers

SES acknowledges and appreciates the contributions of all community members, other emergency service agencies and stakeholders thus far to its local knowledge initiatives and looks forward to continuing to work closely with them in the future.

For further information, including how you can get involved, read the Local Knowledge Factsheet.pdf (256 KB) or contact us.

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