New VICSES podcast series

New VICSES podcast series

Published: 02/11/2020

VICSES has recently released two new podcast series, highlighting the achievements of our VICSES volunteers, as well as focusing on wellbeing and health with the experts.


VICSES Orange Podcast

The VICSES Orange Podcast is a pilot project highlighting the incredible work of VICESES volunteers across Victoria.

Spearheaded by the Media and Communications team, the podcast gives an opportunity to listen to the tales of our members as they share their insights and experiences with VICSES. 'Episode one: Orange skies, orange uniforms', features members John Reed and Sara Matthews, who hail from VICSES Bendoc and Cann River Units in Victoria's east. Hear how they contributed as VICSES members during the recent summer fire season, and how their small towns respectively coped during the bushfire crisis. 

Episode one is available now via Podbean and Spotify.


Mindfit podcast

In addition to the pilot VICSES Orange podcast launched last week, the Mindfit podcast covers a whole range of topics, including health, nutrition, science, psychology, wellbeing, performance, resilience and post-traumatic growth. Hosted by the VICSES Wellbeing, Health and Safety team, they chat with guests who have become experts and industry leaders within the health and wellbeing space, either through their own lived experiences or qualifications.

Our first podcast features Dr Helena Popovic, a medical doctor and leading authority on improving brain function. She teaches people how to boost their brain, turn stress into success, and use crisis to come alive and thrive. Her philosophy is that education is more powerful than medication, and she’s the author of two best-selling books. Her first book is about preventing dementia, and her second book is titled 'NeuroSlimming - how to use your brain to change your body'.

You can also listen to episode one of this podcast here via Podbean and Spotify.

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