Launch of 2023-2027 VICSES Strategic Plan

Launch of 2023-2027 VICSES Strategic Plan

19/07/2023, 1:00 PM

Following extensive consultation with Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) volunteers, staff and other key stakeholders, VICSES is pleased to now launch its 2023 – 2027 Strategic Plan.

Building on the achievements of the previous 2018-2022 Strategic Plan, as well as the implementation of the VICSES Operating Model Review, this four-year strategy sets ambitious goals for our capability, culture, and leadership role within the emergency management sector.

With varying systemic forces shaping the operating environment over the next four years, VICSES faces a period of marked challenge and opportunity.

This plan ensures the agency will remain positioned to meet the ongoing needs of Victorian communities, and rise to the opportunities presented over the next four years and beyond. It sets ambitious goals for our capability, systems, culture, and our leadership within the sector.

The plan outlines four key outcomes, associated priorities and measures that we will focus on over the next four years to ensure we will be a progressive and agile leader in emergency preparedness and response.

Our People are at the heart of our organisation, they are at the core of everything that we do, and this plan reflects the importance of working together to strengthen our service delivery, partnerships, and workplace procedures and systems.

In developing this four-year strategy, we have focused on what our people want to achieve, our distinctive value proposition, the scope of our operations, and the capabilities and systems that will enable our people to achieve success.

To help support the implementation of this Strategic Plan, VICSES has established a strategic planning and implementation framework to link aspirations to capabilities, using a set of defined concepts, processes, and tools.

VICSES is excited to present this plan with the Victorian community, and look forward to continuing to demonstrate our Vision of Safer Communities – Together.

VICSES is grateful to everyone involved in the development of this plan that leads a clear pathway forward for our organisation.

The 2023 – 2027 VICSES Strategic Plan can be viewed here.